How to find us - Casa sol y Sombra

Location of Casa Sol y Sombra - Street Neptuno no. 560 first floor, between streets Escobar & Lealtad, Central Havana
Location of Casa Sol y Sombra - Street Neptuno no. 560 first floor, between streets Escobar & Lealtad

Location on Google Maps (interactive)

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Business Card Casa Sol y Sombra

Casa Sol y Sombra - Casa particular

Your home in Havana


Address: Street Neptuno # 560, between Escobar & Lealtad, first floor, Central Havana, Havana, Cuba


Owner: Alexander Copello Correoso

Home phone: +53 7 861 6413

Cell phone Onelia (mother of Alexander): +53 5 855 8109


