Contact Information

Banner Casa Sol y Salsa

Casa Sol y Salsa - Your home in Havana


Address: Street Neptuno # 558, between Escobar & Lealtad,  first and second floor, Central Havana, Havana, Cuba


Home phone: +53 7 860 3728

Manager (only Spanish-speaking): Ireida Montoya

Cell phone Ireida: +53 5 348 3948

Webmaster (located in Switzerland): Marion Hundemer

Cell phone Marion: +41 79 865 9005 




How to find us

Location of Casa Sol y Salsa - Street Neptuno no. 558 first floor, between streets Escobar & Lealtad
Location of Casa Sol y Salsa - Street Neptuno no. 558 first floor, between streets Escobar & Lealtad

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